St. Paul Christian University
CASE—College of Accelerated Studies Experience
BGS—Bachelor of General Studies
AGS—Associate of General Studies
CAPE—College of Accelerated Professional Enrichment
Specialization: Interdisciplinary Synthesis
DLS—Doctor of Liberal Studies
MLS—Master of Liberal Studies
BLS—Bachelor of Liberal Studies
ALS—Associate of Liberal Studies
CAPS—College of Accelerated Pastoral Studies
Specializations: Biblical Counseling, Contemporary Parish Leadership, Scriptural Applications
DMin—Doctor of Ministry
PhD PS—Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Studies
MMin—Master of Ministry
MPS—Master of Science in Pastoral Studies
BMin—Bachelor of Ministry
BS PS—Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Studies
AMin—Associate of Ministry
AAS Min—Associate of Applied Science in Ministry
CARE—College of Accelerated Religious Education
Specializations: Christian Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Leadership
DRE—Doctor of Religious Education
PhD RE—Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Education
EdS RE—Educational Specialist in Religious Education
MREd—Master of Religious Education
MS RE—Master of Science in Religious Education
BRE—Bachelor of Religious Education
BS RE—Bachelor of Science in Religious Education
ARE—Associate of Religious Education
AAS RE—Associate of Applied Science in Religious Education
CALL—College of Accelerated Lay Leadership
Specializations: Affinity & Ecumenical Ministry, Interdependent Ministry, Transformational Discipleship
DLL—Doctor of Lay Leadership
PhD LL—Doctor of Philosophy in Lay Leadership
MLL—Master of Lay Leadership
MLS—Master of Science in Lay Leadership
BLL—Bachelor of Lay Leadership
BS LL—Bachelor of Science in Lay Leadership
ALL—Associate of Lay Leadership
AAS LL—Associate of Applied Science in Lay Leadership
CAST—College of Accelerated Spiritual Transformation
Specializations: Ecumenism, Practical Theology, Spiritual Gifts Manifestation
DST—Doctor of Spiritual Transformation
PhD ST—Doctor of Philosophy in Spiritual Transformation
MST—Master of Spiritual Transformation
MS ST—Master of Science in Spiritual Transformation
BST—Bachelor of Spiritual Transformation
BS ST—Bachelor of Science in Spiritual Transformation
AST—Associate of Spiritual Transformation
AAS ST—Associate of Applied Science in Spiritual Transformation
COPE—College Of Postgraduate Education (professional development)
Specialization: (Individually Directed Study)
ThD—Doctor of Theology